Faith Paszke photo

Bachelor of Science in Nursing Student

What inspired you to become a nurse?

I have always had a huge desire to help people, recently through the tragedies in my own life I have seen how nurses can be a light to both the patients and their families in their darkest times. My dream is to make a difference in each life I encounter. I want to help each person find a reason to smile even among times full of tears.

What is the best thing about Mount Carmel College of Nursing?

I attend the Fairfield campus and I think the best thing is the community. The professors care so much about us and our success. My peers are some of my best friends and I’m forever thankful for that.

What are your goals for your nursing career?

My goals for my nursing career are to work in the NICU at either Nationwide Children’s Hospital or at Mount Carmel East. I have also thought about working in pediatric oncology. One thing I love about nursing is the variety. I am just excited to gain as much experience as I can and make a difference everywhere I can.

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would tell my younger self to stop doubting herself and letting fear get in the way of her dreams. For a while, I was scared to pursue a nursing career due to fear but now I couldn’t be happier or more excited.

What advice would you give to someone considering a career in nursing?

I would tell someone considering nursing school that it is hard work, but you can 100% do it. Build relationships with your peers because they are the only other ones who will understand what it’s like. When you have those friends you can study together, hold each other accountable, and keep each other motivated.

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scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate


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