Student Nurses Association of Mount Carmel (SNAM) is a pre-professional organization dedicated to providing students with opportunities to grow their knowledge about the nursing profession, gain leadership skills, achieve professional nursing roles and give back to their community. It is the local chapter of the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA) and Ohio Nursing Students Association (ONSA).

The officers for the 2014-2015 Academic year for SNAM at the main campus are:

  • President: Alyssa Krebs
  • Vice President: Britny Fox
  • Secretary: Caitlin Byrne
  • Treasurer: Erin Noone
  • Breakthrough to Nursing Director: Nadiann Haughton-Baillie
  • Community Service Director: Open
  • Membership Director: Open
  • Student Consultant to the Board: Tina Marie Cerra
  • Faculty Advisor: Dawn Hughes, MS, RN

For the Columbus campus, SNAM meets the fourth Monday of each month at either noon or 1 p.m., exact time determined each month. SNAM will be holding elections at the September 22 meeting at 1 p.m. at a location to be announced. Students interested in getting involved can contact any officer or Faculty Advisor Dawn Hughes at or 614.234.3623 for more information. SNAM is heading to the ONSA annual convention in Cleveland on September 26-27.

SNAM-FMC, which meets at MCCN-FMC, is holding officer elections on September 16. Stay tuned to hear about new student leaders and meeting times.

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