As part of our ongoing series to profile faculty, staff and student representatives, this month we feature Fatma Al-Lamki, MS, RN, Assistant Professor at MCCN.
Name: Fatma Al-Lamki
Nickname: Fifi
Hometown: Born in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Nationality: Oman. United States legal resident for 20 years, the last five in Westerville.
Alma Mater: Villanova University.
I can't live without… my blow dryer.
If I could spend the day with one person it would be… my dad, who passed away when I was a junior. The living person I like to spend the day with is my husband: my best friend, my love, the most adventurous, the funniest and the smartest person I know!
If I could travel anywhere I would go to… any place with beautiful white beaches and tropical weather.
When I have downtime I… lose myself in a really good book.
My favorite movie is… “Life is Beautiful.”
The quote I tend to live by is… "May the best of your past be the worst of your future.” It is my choice to seize every day!
My favorite thing to do in Columbus is… have a huge brunch that my husband and kids proudly make on a lazy Sunday.
I am a nurse educator because… I realized my passion for teaching as a bedside nurse with my patients. I then recognized the influence an educator has on changing the world for the better through influencing new nurses and patients every day!
The best advice I can give to incoming freshmen is… be passionate. No matter what you do, do it passionately and be yourself.
One thing you may not know about me is… I'm not always bound by logic. I leave room for fantasy, for the unknown. I also have to have some form of potato every single day.