Check out what’s new at the library this month:

Congrats Liz: Mount Carmel Health Sciences Library congratulates Elizabeth "Liz" Mady on her new position as Health Sciences Librarian! Liz will work closely with Ken Wright to provide services to students and faculty.

Meet the new faces at the library desk:

  • Our 2014-15 College Work Study students are: Kayla Allison, Jared Bader, Brielle Daugherty, Lindsey Ewald, Yuliya Fonin, Alison Johnston, Christina Morris, Florence Smith and Taylor Rickert. They are happy to assist you with many things including checking out a book, printing an article, accessing a database or basic reference guidance.
  • We also want to welcome our Cristo Rey High School students who will be with us through Spring 2015. Camryn Alexander, Alex Green, Faith McKiver and David Slaughter each spend one day a week at the library assisting with projects and learning about working in a professional environment. It is all part of Cristo Rey's unique program where every student has a work-study position. Please stop by and greet our dedicated students.
  • The library has two practicum students from the Kent State University School of Library and Information Science who will work on their projects until November. Kirk Jones will be working on a digital reference project and Angela Stringfellow will be assisting with technical services.
  • The Consumer Health Library (CHL) is pleased to have two volunteers: Elizabeth White and Allison Cooper-Clark each contribute 10 hours a week to the CHL. Welcome also to Melissa Hoppes, who volunteers her time at the Health Sciences Library.

Are you reluctant to post an article on CarmeLink or use a photo in your class because you’re worried that you might be violating copyright law? Bring all of your copyright questions and concerns to our Health Sciences Librarian specialized in Technical Services, Noreen Mulcahy. She will help you in all matters related to copyright law and fair use.

Is your group poster assignment coming up? Check out the library's new Creative Station. We now have a space in the copy room on third floor for you to assemble your poster along with all the supplies to make it look great: colored paper, scissors, glue sticks, markers, etc.

Please wear your ID badge: As a reminder, when visiting and spending time in the library, you must wear your badge at all times. We have posted new signs at all doors stating this policy. We care about your safety and security!

You can now text us your questions. Have a question for a librarian? Text us at (614) 541-2224, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. All questions received after 5 p.m. will be answered the next day. Standard text rates may apply.

Study rooms available to reserve for individual students and study groups. If you need privacy to study, or your study group needs a place to meet, consider using the library study rooms 1-4, located on the south side of the Library’s fourth floor. To guarantee use of these study rooms, make your reservation online by 8 a.m. of the day of the reservation. After 8 a.m. the day of the reservation, please call the Library Assistant at (614) 234-2154 to reserve a room. Study rooms located on the west side of the fourth floor are available on first-come, first-serve basis. Don’t forget: we have laptops that you can check out on a daily basis.

Library Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday: 8 a.m. – noon
Sunday: Closed

Professional reference staff is available Monday – Friday, 8 a. m. – 5 p. m. If you need professional help or assistance during late evening and Saturday open hours, librarians are available upon request by submitting a Signing for Instruction form on the library website at least 48 hours in advance, or by contacting a librarian in person.

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