Twelve MCCN faculty and staff were honored at the 10th Annual Excellence in Nursing Awards, held September 18 at Villa Milano. Along with winners from other areas throughout Mount Carmel Health System, the honorees’ collaboration and commitment to nursing has earned them the respect and recognition of their peers. Congratulations to: Fatma Al-Lamki, MS, RN; Tanika Cherry-Montgomery, PhD, RN-BC; Shirley Cooley, PhD, RN; Kathy Espy, BA; Kathy Fernandez, PhD, RN; Bonnie Moses, MS, RN; Leigh Anne Meyer, BS, RN; Angie Phillips, EdD, RN, CNE; Tara Spalla, PhD, RN; Darrell Spurlock, PhD, RN, NEA-BC; Margaret Stinner, MS, RN; and Ann Waterman, PhD, RN. Not pictured: Tara Spalla, PhD, RN.

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