The Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Service held on Monday, November 24 in the College Lounge was a great success and provided a wonderful opportunity for fellowship and learning. Organized by Ellen O’Shaughnessy, DMin, Director of Campus Ministry and Campus Ministry students, the event featured individuals representing Christianity, Islam and Judaism, reflecting on what their faith means to them. The following individuals participated in the activities:

  • Reverend Tim Ahrens, Senior Pastor at First Congregational Church
  • Rabbi Michael Ungar of the Congregation Tifereth Israel
  • Father Steve Bell, Paulist Priest and Pastor at the St. Thomas More Newman Center at The Ohio State University
  • Assistant Professor Fatma Al-Lamki, MS,RN and her husband Dr. Tariq Al-Lamki of the Islamic faith
  • Michael Szczepanik, leader of song
  • Stephanie Lunceford, Program Manager, Scattered Sites Housing, Southeast, Inc.
  • MCCN students Nicole Dunlap, Yuliya Fonin and Elizabeth Wells.

Campus Ministry thanks all those who donated sheets, towels, socks, gloves and hats to the Friends of the Homeless at the service.

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