The College has updated the Student Dress Code, effective Fall Semester 2014. The two specific areas of the dress code that are revised are Student Attire in the College Areas/Hospital Campus and in the Dress Code–Clinical Setting. Please note the bolded areas in the following information.

In addition to the MCCN clinical dress code, students at Fairfield Medical Center should continue to follow the specific campus dress code for that location. The revised Student Dress Code is published in the 2014-2015 MCCN Student Handbook.

Student Attire – College Areas/Hospital Campus

Students should present a positive, businesslike and professional image through dress and actions. In classrooms, main lounge, first floor of the College, the pedestrian mall, cafeteria and library, all students are expected to wear clothing that is neat, clean and appropriate for the setting. The style of clothing must not be unduly revealing; proper undergarments are to be worn and not visible. Short shorts, mini-skirts, tank tops, house slippers and pajamas are not permitted. Leggings or tights can only be worn if covered by a top, tunic, or jacket that extends two inches above the knees. The length of dresses and skirts must be no shorter than two inches above the knees. Jeans/denim must be intact throughout, without rips or holes in them. Exposure of abdomen, cleavage and/or buttocks and bare feet are not permitted. Sunbathing is not permitted on the hospital and/or College campus.

Dress Code – Clinical Settings

The official student uniform must be worn with the College insignia attached to the upper left sleeve. The uniform should fit appropriately and be clean and pressed. Appropriate undergarments are to be worn and not visible. Shoes must be white leather (or leather-like) with heels and toes enclosed, polished and in good repair. No mesh or partially mesh shoes are permitted. White hosiery must be worn with the student dress uniform. White socks or hose which cover the student’s ankles are required with the pant uniform. For warmth and/or modesty, a plain white, light-weight, collarless or turtleneck, long or short sleeved, fine gauge knit shirt may be worn under the uniform top. If long sleeves are worn, they must be capable of being pulled to the elbow and remain stationary. In some settings, students may wish to wear a white scrub jacket or lab coat over the student uniform. The lab coats or scrub jackets must display the Mount Carmel insignia patch on the upper left sleeve. Faculty approval is necessary before wearing either of these in the clinical setting.

Jewelry must be kept to a minimum and is limited to engagement and/or wedding rings, one small set of post earrings in the earlobes and medical alert tags. A watch with a second hand is required. Necklaces, visible body piercings, tongue piercings and other jewelry are not permitted.

White long sleeved turtlenecks must be worn under student uniform top if tattoos are present on arms and/or neck.

No artificial nails are permitted. Nails must be short (not visible from the palm side of the hand), clean and neat. Only clear nail polish which is not chipped and without additional designs or ornamentation is permitted.

Hair must be neat, conservative and of a natural hair color. Hair should not fall below the shoulder. Long hair must be secured off the face so as not to risk contamination of the field of care. Any hair ornament must be simple and functional. If headbands are worn they must be white, black, brown, beige, or burgundy. Facial hair (beards and mustaches) is to be neatly trimmed and groomed.

Makeup and aromas. Any makeup must be conservative. Precautions must be taken to avoid odors that are offensive, overpowering and/or could adversely impact others. Any colognes, perfumes or aftershaves should be lightly scented. Odors related to food, smoking and lack of deodorant must be avoided.

No chewing gum is permitted when in the clinical area or when in uniform.

Pregnant students are to wear a properly fitting white uniform with the College insignia on the left sleeve. All other student uniform policies are applicable as stated.

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