On Saturday, December 13, several members of Campus Ministry joined students from Columbus College of Art and Design and Columbus State through Downtowners Campus Ministry to help provide food boxes and spread cheer to those in need at Bethlehem on Broad Street, a Christmas mission program organized by Broad Street Methodist Church. Over the course of the day, more than 1,200 boxes of food, contributed by Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, were distributed.

Some of the MCCN students and faculty pictured above who served this project include:

  • Yuliya Fonin participated in face painting and ornament making with children.
  • Deb Huff, APRN, BC, brought her granddaughter and a friend and served the entire day making jewelry for the children who came with families to celebrate Christmas.
  • Lanie Francis helped distribute food boxes to families.

A special thanks to all who participated in this mission project, which resonates so strongly with Mount Carmel’s and MCCN’s core values.

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