Thanks to you, students, staff and friends of MCCN delivered more than 350 presents to the students at Avondale School for their annual holiday party on December 19. Brooke Buckley, Erica Roggenkamp, Kali Pace, Courtney Banks and her dad, Cierra Beaumier, Dorothea Salens and her daughter Anna, Sarah Bishop, Victoria Lawyer, Nick Dreyer, Yuliya Fonin, Ellen Strickler, Director of Campus Ministry Ellen O'Shaughnessy, DMin, and her husband Bob all helped deliver the gifts and watched the children receive them with delight.

Director of Student Life Colleen Cipriani, MA, coordinated the Avondale holiday giving program with the help of work study students Victoria Lawyer, Kasey Derexson, Taylor Moore and Lindsey Rose. Numerous students, faculty and staff shopped for gifts and wrapped them at two wrapping parties in the Rec Room. Thanks to everyone who helped make this year another success!

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