Sunday, January 11 marked an exciting and memorable day for 149 Mount Carmel College of Nursing sophomores as they celebrated the Sophomore Pinning Ceremony at First Church of God.

Students from both the Columbus and Fairfield campuses participated in the event, which is an annual tradition symbolizing a rite of passage— a milestone that represents a student’s academic achievement and progression toward direct patient care. As part of the ceremony, students received a gold pin embellished with a lamp, reminiscent of the lamp used by Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing, in the Crimean War.

Years ago, students received special nursing caps as part of the sophomore ceremony. The gold pin has now replaced the caps. The modern Sophomore Pinning celebrates the ministry students commit to their educational journey.

Congratulations to these MCCN sophomores for receiving their pins:

Britt Adams
Ashley Antrobus
Molly Armfelt
O’Livia Artis
Rebecca Asbridge
Abigail Ashmore
Jillian Ballister
Maddison Belcher
Sarah Bishop
Alicia Boring
Jennifer Bower
Kelsey Brackman
Jessi Branscomb
Caitlyn Broderick
Danielle Brown
Samantha Brown
Jessica Bruffy
Britney Bumgarner
Sarah Burns
Cassidy Burton
Mikayla Capuano
Kelsey Carl
Benjamin Casa
Carlene Castle
Kelsi Cavanaugh
Hanna Chase
Brittney Clarridge
Colton Clay
Kathleen Collins
Elizabeth Connelly
Emily Corcoran
Sydney Costlow
Allison Craig
Leslie Davis
Sarah Demetry
Nicole Detty
Tayler Detwiler
Caroline DeWitt
TiAnna DiYanni
Ivan Dominguez
Nicholas Dreyer
Asia DuPree
Kayla Ebner
Rubble Ejigu
Alexa Elfrink
Emily Ellis
Jordyn Estep
Sierra Evergin
Lindsey Ewald
Jonathan Fairbanks
Julia Fasano
Angela Filio
Emily Fitzgerald
Kendall Folt
Tracie Fowle
Devin Francis-Belcher
Jordan Fulks
Taylor Fuss
Morgan Garrett
Alexis Gay
Mark Gillespie
Sonia Gish
Kirsten Glaser
Michelle Gwilym
Khristina Harding
Kendall Harp
Ashae Harris
Sara Hash
Kimberly Hazlett
Tori Hedges
Jessica Herren
Morgan Honeycutt

Hannah Huckleberry
Mariel Johnson
Ashley Jolly
Courtney Jones
Jeni Joyce
Ashley Keenan
Courtney Kimmel
Rebecca King
Kassandra Knipp
Kali Kotterman
Jordan Lanning
Aylianna LaRoche
Lindsey Laubacher
Hannah Lewis
Sara Link
Jaclyn Lochtefeld
Allison Malkowski
Kanisha Mann
Aisha Matan
Tiffany McLaughlin
Demi Mitchell
Lindsey Miller
Sara Moore
Taylor Moore
Cheyenne Morris
Christina Morris
Jillian Mowrer
Yahya Musa
Zachary Musick
Sarah Nickel
Alexis Palmer
Ashley Parker
Brianna Payton
Samuel Peirano
Taylor Pyers
Kallie Rack
Taylor Riffle
Sophia Roesch
Amber Rose
Lindsey Rose
Tayler Ross
Sarah Rupp
Kailey Rutherford
Celia Sant
Hailey Sawchuk
Danielle Scabrough
Kendra Schultz
Abena Sefa
Hayley Shaw
Heather Shisler
Jessica Smith
Allison Stevenson
Kenly Stidham
Jessica Strawser
Andrew Strickler
Emily Sullivan
Abigail Taylor
Kayleigh Tharp
Samantha Tharp
Nicole Thompson
Kayla Troyer
Megan Valentine
Jenna Van Duesen
Allison Vogel
Michelle Wagner
Abbagail Weaver
Haley Westminster
Alyssa Whitlock
Maria Wilkins
Kylee Williams
Carlie Young
Julia Zimmerman
Caleb Zwiebel

Upon graduation, students will receive a graduate pin to indicate their fulfillment of all requirements and their completion of nursing education at MCCN.

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