Beginning Monday, January 19, all completed community service hours must be submitted to Leigh Anne Meyer in Marian Hall Room 4C17. If you need ideas on places to volunteer, an approved list of organizations is linked to this article. If you would like to volunteer at an organization not on this list, your volunteer service must meet the following requirements:

1. Volunteer service can be one of the following: volunteering at health fairs and screenings, tutoring, assisting in after-school programs, working at soup kitchens and homeless shelters or volunteering at not-for-profit agencies with vulnerable, at-risk populations, i.e., organizations that serve children, elderly, homeless or poor and underserved people.

2. Your community service hours must benefit vulnerable and/or at-risk populations. Your service experience needs to encourage critical thinking about the concerns of our society and help you to develop into a thoughtful leader.

3. You cannot be paid or receive any type of compensation for community service and it cannot benefit a for-profit business.

Background on the Community Service Requirement

Social Responsibility is one of the "Core Values" contained in the mission of Mount Carmel College of Nursing. In accordance with the College's Mission and Catholic Identity, the Community Service requirement for nursing students includes the application of one's skills and time to meet identified community needs of vulnerable and at-risk populations (e.g., children, elderly, homeless, poor and underserved, and organizations that support these populations).

This activity leads to learning and development through active participation in thoughtfully organized service that:

  • is conducted in and meets the needs of the community
  • involves reflection and analysis of the experience
  • promotes the development of leadership skills, citizen skills and social responsibility

Pre-licensure students are required to complete 20 clock hours of community service prior to the beginning of the last semester of enrollment (RNs enrolled in the BSN Completion Program and Second Degree Accelerated Program must satisfactorily complete 10 clock hours).

Pre-licensure students who do not meet the deadline will be required to complete an additional 10 clock hours (for a total of 30 hours) in order to meet the graduation requirement. RN-BSN and Second Degree Accelerated Program students who do not meet the deadline will be required to complete an additional 5 clock hours (for a total of 15 hours) in order to meet the graduation requirement

Any student who does not meet the requirement by the policy deadline may participate in Commencement activities but will not receive a diploma or be eligible for NCLEX-RN testing until this requirement is met.

Additional details regarding the Community Service Learning Program can be found in the online Catalog-Handbook.

Organizations Where You May Seek Community Service Opportunities

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