Congratulations to students from Cohort 9 of the Second Degree Accelerated Program (SDAP), who received their sophomore pins on February 27! The ceremony will celebrate the transition of this group of SDAP students, who began their program in January, into clinical rotations.

In the past, this ceremony was the first official donning of the Mount Carmel uniform and student nurse cap. Although students no longer receive and wear caps, the modern ceremony maintains the same spirit, celebrating the ministry of caring and service that these aspiring nurses now undertake. Today, students receive an engraved pin, reminiscent of the lamp carried by the founder of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale, as she cared for wounded Crimean War soldiers 150 years ago. Upon graduation next February, they will receive a MCCN graduate pin, which highlights the College crest and will replace the lamp pin.

Congratulations to these SDAP Cohort 9 students for receiving their pins:

Meredith Baker
Nicole Barnhill
Caroline Bramlage
Austin Brock
Chelsea Burkley
Lisa Burns
Katie Cevera
Rachael Colby
Annabelle Cook
Benjamin Cooper
Casey Crites
Micaela Cronin
Kathy Cuipak
Michelle Doone
Antoinette Dougherty
Kimberly Dyer
Rebecca Egan
Benjamin Engel
Mary Eufinger
Kristina Ezzi
Nicole Forkey
Joshua Getzinger
Danielle Hairston
Hillary Halley
Natalie Heath
Ally Heydinger
Natasha Hoffmannbeck
April Huang
Sara Huggett
Antonia Hutton
Jacqueline Huynh
Joseph Kelley
Amanda King
Sara King
Kara Klein
Allison Klusacek
Brooke Klute
Kristina Kowatsch-Beyer
Kevin Kuisel
Kori Lentes
Patricia Mack
Anna Martin
Kara McCreary
Jennifer McDonald
Kathleen McDowell
Molly McGravey
Heather Melick
Gabrielle Metoyer
Jennifer Moore
Amanda Murat
Katrin Niewiesk
Jillian O'Donnell
Adetutu Olatawura
Kyle Pfeifer
Lindsay Pheneger
Derek Potter
Jillian Rengel
Deidra Rodriguez
Alexandra Ronan
Kevin Rybicki
Rebecca Seubert
Benjamin Sheppard
Geoffrey Shmidt
Colleen Smith
Rachel Smith
Marcia Tyack
David Vargo
Jamie Warren
Rachel Zeigler
Kelsey Zimmerman

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