MCCN’s Community Service Club invites you to serve lunch at the Holy Family Soup Kitchen. Located near MCCN’s Columbus campus in Franklinton, the soup kitchen needs four volunteers for each date MCCN is slated to help out. Your time spent serving those less fortunate in the soup kitchen will go toward your community service requirement. Dates available include Tuesday, April 16; Thursday, May 21; Thursday, June 18 and Thursday, July 16, all from 10 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

If you sign up to serve, please bring your MCCN service form to be filled out. The soup kitchen requests that volunteers wear sneakers, jeans and a top with sleeves and a discreet neckline. All valuables should be left at home.

If you’re interested in this humbling and rewarding opportunity, please contact Anne Turville at

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