Natalie Coleman

Name: Natalie Coleman

Nickname: Nat

Hometown: Sugar Grove, Ohio

I can’t live without… my family and Sour Patch Kids.

If I could spend the day with one person it would be… Kate Middleton.

If I could travel anywhere, I would go to… Greece.

When I have down time, I… enjoy spending time with my family and going to new places.

My favorite movie is… Sweet Home Alabama.

The quote I tend to live by is… “Our days are happier when we give people a bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind.”

I want to be a nurse because… I want to make a difference in at least one person’s life.

After I graduate I want to be… an ED nurse and then return to school to become a nurse practitioner.

One thing you may not know about me is… all of my siblings also work in the medical field.

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