Natalie Warnock, a MCCN alumnae from the RN-BSN program last fall, submitted this uplifting, faith-focused feature on Robin Grooms, who works in the Financial Aid office.
“After a Bible study that I attended several weeks ago, we talked about how important faith is in our relationship with the Lord. I thought how easy it is to have faith when everything in our life is going smoothly, and life is just where we want it to be, but when we are faced with indescribable heartache, that is when faith is put to the test. Upon leaving the course and pondering what was presented in the class, my mind went immediately to Robin Grooms.
I met Robin when we worked together on the psychiatric unit at Mount Carmel West, when she worked at the front reception desk at the College. I have always looked up to her being what the Bible describes as being a ‘Proverb’s Woman.’ Robin’s love for the Lord is apparent in every aspect of her life. No matter what situation or season of life she is in, her unwavering faith is apparent in the way she handles herself in every difficult situation, yet manages to keep that infectious smile present to all who she encounters every day, along with always being there for anyone who is in need.
I have read about many inspirational women throughout my life, but I have had the privilege to meet one face-to-face, and that is Robin. I once asked her how she gets through some of the difficult things that she has been faced with, and she didn’t have to think for a second when she responded ‘God.’
Every day I strive to be like Robin, and this requires me to put all of our burdens at the foot of the cross. Jesus tells us that in this world we will face many troubles, but He promises to be with us through each and every one. We are called to show God’s love to those around us. One day when Robin is in the presence of the Lord and reunited with her precious loved ones, Jesus will say to her: ‘Well done my good and faithful servant!’ To all of the Robins in the world, keep pressing on and fighting the good fight. You are truly a blessing to many! Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised (Proverbs 31:30).”