Mount Carmel College of Nursing is required by federal law under the Higher Education Act, Title IV, Section 487(a)(23) to make a good-faith effort to distribute voter registration forms in advance of statewide and federal elections. Though this requirement focuses on students attending class physically on campus, MCCN encourages students in all its programs - on campus and via distance education - to exercise their right to vote. The following information is provided in support of this effort:

Ohio Residents

  • For residents of Ohio, voter registration forms can be obtained from the Secretary of State's office using the following URL:
  • You can use this official Voter Registration Instruction sheet from the Ohio Secretary of State and a fillable PDF that you can type directly into, print, and submit to any one of the approved voter registration venues. In addition, here is a link to the voter registration form.
  • Paper copies of the Ohio Voter Registration form will be available in the College lobby during the months of August and September 2015.
  • The next Ohio General Election is November 3, 2015. The deadline to register to vote is 30 days prior to election day, or October 5, 2015.

US Residents Outside Ohio

  • For residents outside Ohio, the US Election Assistance Commission has provided a voting fact sheet with general information on voting, registering to vote, and a list of US State and Territorial election office web pages and phone numbers where voter registration information can be obtained.
  • In states other than Ohio, deadlines to register to vote may be different. You can obtain state-specific election contact information from this page:

Nonpartisan Voting Resources

  • - Voting information from the League of Women Voters
  • - Unbiased voter resources, facts, and information

For questions and/or more information, please contact Kathy Espy, Director of Diversity and Community Initiatives, at (614) 234-5276 or

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