In order to make certain departments more convenient to visitors, as well as easier to align, several departments and staff members changed offices over the summer. All phone numbers have remained the same. Here is a list of the departments/staff that have moved:

  • Admissions staff moved to the main hallway in Marian Hall where the President’s Office used to be. The front desk in Marian Hall is now staffed by Admissions and two recently hired staff members will bring the front desk up to full staffing.
  • The Business Office staff moved to the third floor of Marian Hall next to Financial Aid.
  • The President’s Office moved to the CLE office suite formerly occupied by the Business Office and Admissions.
  • Dr. Barbara Barta moved to Marian Hall 209, the former office of the development officer.
  • Dr. Jill Kilanowski, newly appointed associate dean, Graduate Education, is in Marian Hall 319, the former office of Fatma Al-Lamki.
  • Jim Cerra, IT manager, moved to Marian Hall 214 from Marian Hall 167.
  • Alyssa Fry, new senior development officer, succeeding Jan Burkey, will be in Marian Hall 167.
  • The new College health nurse will be in the SLA Conference Room, located off the Student Lounge in the basement of Marian Hall.
  • Instructors Lexa King and Heather Houchard will be moving from Marian Hall 217 to Marian Hall 309.
  • Michelle Livingston, new assistant director of Records and Registration, is in Marian Hall 217, just down the hall from other Records and Registration colleagues.
  • The third floor faculty workroom will be moved from Marian Hall 318 just down the hall to Marian Hall 314, which is currently a storage room.
  • Michelle Richards, administrative secretary, has moved to Marian Hall 318.

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