MCCN-FMC students were pleased to take part in festivities celebrating Fairfield Medical Center’s 100th Anniversary. To honor the occasion, the hospital held a Fairfield Medical Center Centennial Rock Party at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds. The event featured local bands, crafts and food trucks, plus MCCN-FMC students helped provide free health screenings at the event. Those participating included seniors Tina Caylor, Kristen King, A.J. Yost, Ashley Stoneburner, and Hayleigh Smith; juniors Carlie Young, Tayler Deitweiler, Samantha Tharp, O'livia Artis and Hayleigh Tharp and freshman Keely Ingram.

Fairfield Medical Center serves more than 250,000 residents in Fairfield, Perry, Hocking and Athens Counties and employs more than 2,000 individuals, The non-profit hospital located in Lancaster provides full-service, general acute health services.

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