With Pope Francis scheduled to visit the U.S. Sept. 22-27, Mount Carmel College of Nursing, along with other U.S. Catholic colleges and universities, are planning activities to honor and commemorate his visit. Although the pope will not be visiting this area, MCCN and other Catholic institutions will be planning concurrent activities on campus that highlight some of the pope’s stated priorities -- including care for Creation and the environment, care for the family, homelessness and hunger, immigration reform, poverty and prison reform and the death penalty – and demonstrating how these priorities resonate with the mission, values and/or programs at each college or university.

“When Pope Francis took office, you knew there were going to be changes. He was already different, paying his own hotel bills, riding in a Ford Focus and joining the Cardinals in their bus. As humble as he is, he speaks out on those issues that affect all of us, whether it’s on the environment, the poor or the homeless. He now is focusing on forgiving women who have had an abortion. At this time, we can only speculate on what he will say at the United Nations,” said Sister Barbara Hahl, CSC, senior vice president for System Mission at Mount Carmel and MCCN board member.

Look for more information regarding MCCN’s activities to commemorate the pope’s visit soon.

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