New Faces at the Library

Our 2015-16 College work study students are: Glorya Albertini, Brittany Canter, Yuliya Fonin, Abbey Gulley, Jessica Hutchinson, Christina Morris, Taylor O'Dell, and Taylor Rickert. They are happy to assist you with many things including checking out a book or laptop, printing an article, accessing a database or basic reference guidance.

We also want to welcome our Cristo Rey High School students who will be with us through Spring 2016. Haili Arnold, Mariel Dillon, Victoria Langley and Miguel Maldonado each spend one day a week at the library assisting at the circulation desk, answering phones and learning about working in a professional environment. It is all part of Cristo Rey's unique program where every student has a work-study position. Please stop by and greet our dedicated students.

Library Staff Presentations

Library staff are traveling to the 2015 Midwest Chapter Annual Conference of the Medical Library Association in Louisville, Kentucky, October 2-6. Stevo Roksandic, Regional Director of MCHS Library Services; Liz Mady, Reference Librarian; and Donald Pearson, Library Technology Specialist are presenting "Tell me, I'll forget. Show me, I'll remember. Involve me, I'll understand: Implementing multimedia applications for Library instruction." Roksandic and Toni Pallotta, consumer health librarian, will present the poster "People Centered Health Care: Consumer Health Librarians on the Front Line." In addition, Roksandic will be a panelist in the conference's tech forum, discussing and sharing his experiences with MCHS Library Services technology innovations and education-on-demand (‘Library-On-Demand’ services).

BrowZine – Journals at Your Fingertips

Browse all journals in the library collection on your smart phone, tablet or computer with BrowZine. This helpful app allows you to create bookshelves, search journals by specialty and open full text articles on your favorite device(s). Stop by the Llbrary for a quick demo or visit the Library's page about BrowZine –

Standing With the Pope

Thank you to everyone who stopped by the library for a bowl of ice cream and selfies with the "Stand-Up Pope." Check out the photos and like the library on Facebook. Don't miss the Cookies & Milk event coming in soon!

You Can Access the Library 24/7

All registered MCCN students have access to the Library 24/7! You can access the library by swiping your MCCN badge at the third floor library entrance only. All MCCN students must wear badges, chest level, when visiting the library. For your safety, doors to the library and CLE will lock at 5 p.m. and require a badge swipe to enter. Note: Library staffing hours will remain the same.

Consumer Library

Need a new place to study? Try the Consumer Health Library, Building 2, 777 W. State St. The entrance is just off the park. It is open from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday and offers eight computers and a cozy and warm atmosphere.

Library Services: Professional reference staff is available Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. We also offer Librarian-On-Demand Service – schedule a time here.

Library Resources: Here is helpful information for you to know about your library and our services:

  • All your text books are available for "library use only" checkout.
  • Laptops can be borrowed for daily use. They come fully loaded with Microsoft Office products and Google Chrome.
  • You can reserve study rooms on the fourth floor for your individual and group study needs. Make reservations by linking to this calendar.

Library Hours

  • Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. – 9 p.m.
  • Friday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Saturday: 8 a.m. – 12 p.m.
  • Sunday: Closed

Feel free to connect with us by chat/text, e-mail or phone. Most information you can find on the library website: Current library information also is posted on Twitter at @MCHSLibrary.

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