We’re down to the ninth inning and it’s time to put on our rally caps – be sure to make your donation to the Mount Carmel Foundation before the campaign comes to a close.

Don’t forget you make a “double play” by donating by November 12; all donations received by that date will be matched by the Mount Carmel Foundation. Your donation helps programs and students right here at MCCN. Here are a few examples:

Funds raised through the Colleague Giving Campaign have helped student Katie Cline with a scholarship. “I work hard to pay for my education by myself. This foundation has afforded me the opportunity to acquire arguably the best nursing education in the state. There is nothing I can be more thankful for than that. This isn't just a career, it is a calling, and I will always remember their generosity for giving me the opportunity to fulfill my passion every day,” Cline said.

Gifts to the Foundation also helped Assistant Professor Toni Chops, MS, RN, CNE, establish two innovative programs at MCCN. One is the Fitness and Nutrition Club (FAN Club), an after school fitness training and nutrition program for high risk, low income and obese children run as a community partnership between Mount Carmel College of Nursing, Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Columbus Public Schools.

“The FAN Club is one example of the Foundation and the College working in partnership with other organizations to create an environment for children that supported healthy nutrition and fitness behaviors through the efficient and effective coordination of community resources,” Chops said.

The other program Chops created with Foundation funding is a health promotion project implemented by Second Degree Accelerated Program (SDAP) nursing students for high school students attending Christo Rey, an affordable, co-ed, Catholic college-preparatory high school for young men and women with economic need. SDAP students conducted learning sessions for Christo Rey freshmen and sophomores that focused on healthy nutrition, sexually transmitted disease, smoking cessation, cyber bullying, etc., along with multiple interactive learning stations. Not only did this program provide key information to a vulnerable population, but it also enhanced learning opportunities for nursing students wanting to focus on population based care and it enabled Christo Rey students to work closely with college student role models.

“I am most appreciative of the Foundation’s support of higher education as nursing students engage in a learning journey to become a professional baccalaureate prepared nurse,” said Chops.

Even donors are inspired by their giving to the Foundation. MCCN Instructor Bonnie Moses, MS, RN, is one such donor.

“Several years ago after donating to several charities, my husband Dave and I decided to do some concentrated efforts on financial giving. I knew how I had to struggle to pay for my nursing education and after discussing it with Dave, we decided to make a concerted effort to support the students at Mount Carmel College of Nursing. We had the David and Bonnie Moses Scholarship established. When Dave died in July 2015, I made the decision to request donations to this fund in his memory. Helping students achieve their dreams is rewarding to me as it was to Dave. May the students from Mount Carmel be the best nurses ever and someday realize that they can also make a difference in a student's life by contributing to the Foundation,” Moses said.

Now is your chance to make a walk-off homerun with your donation to the Mount Carmel Foundation. Click here to give online through payroll deduction or here to download a hard copy pledge form. Make your donation by November 12 to make the biggest impact.

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