If you have a song in your heart, the MCCN Choir, which has six to ten faculty and staff members, is looking for student members. The choir typically sings several songs at the Thanksgiving Prayer Service, the staff holiday party, the Martin Luther King Day Lunch and Learn in January, the Black History Month Lunch and Learn in February and the Pinning and Recognition Ceremony in early May, as well as other College-related events.

Organizers send emails weeks ahead of time asking for participants for events and announcing dates and times of practice, usually Mondays from noon to 1 p.m. Participation in the MCCN Choir enables you to interact with faculty and staff in a casual, enjoyable way. You can participate as much or as little as you like. There are no tryouts and all students wanting to sing are welcome. For more information, contact Mary Yoder, MS, RN at myoder@mccn.edu.

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