On top of any fitness goals you may have set for the New Year, it’s important to know where to turn when things don’t feel right, physically or emotionally. Mount Carmel College of Nursing has a new student health nurse, Laura Lawrence, BSN, RN, and a student counselor, William Bumgardner, LPCC, LICDC-CS, to help in such times.

Meet Your Student Health Nurse, Laura Lawrence, BSN, RN
As student health nurse, Lawrence provides treatment related to minor injuries and illnesses and refers students to other providers for additional medical care, counseling services and/or community resources as needed. She also provides confidential health counseling and health guidance for students living with chronic illnesses or a disability.
In addition, Lawrence administers and documents required immunizations and works with with Certified Background staff to track mandatory student health and other required documentation prior to students’ clinicals.
On the lighter side, Lawrence participates on health-related committees as requested by the Office of Student Life to promote a healthy environment for the College.
“It is my goal to promote health and wellness at MCCN. I am excited to be a part of Mount Carmel College of Nursing, to serve students and promote the health and well being of the College. I will be working on starting programs to initiate this type of fun and healthy environment among us,” said Lawrence.
“My current plan is to start a running club, which I hope to have it in place by spring. I have some other great ideas to get students moving and thinking about better health, but would love to hear some of your ideas too. Email me with some of your thoughts and we can get healthy together,” she said.
Prior to joining MCCN in July, Lawrence worked as a clinic aide nurse at an elementary school for four years. She holds a BSN from The Ohio State University.
Feel free to stop by her office, located on the lower level of Marian Hall next to the Student Lounge. Her office hours are Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
“Students should know that I am here to serve them. I can be a sounding board for a student, if needed, to provide guidance on health concerns. I also can help if they need assistance with questions, referrals and services related to their health and well-being,” Lawrence said.

Meet Your Student Counselor, William Bumgardner, LPCC, LICDC-CS
As student counselor, William Bumgardner helps students cope with the stresses and strains of nursing school. Some of these stressors may include family or relational issues, anxiety, depression, chemical dependency or interpersonal issues. The goal is for students to have the mental, emotional and spiritual support that they need to succeed.
“Many people think that a counselor/therapist has magical powers to see inside their mind and read their thoughts. I don't have any special powers. I try to listen, help clarify issues, seek solutions, teach new skills, encourage positive thoughts and behaviors, help to find a healthy balance and provide a safe non-judgmental environment,” Bumgardner said.
Bumgardner has more than 22 years experience in counseling people with mental health and chemical dependency issues. He is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (LPPC) in mental health and a Licensed Independent Chemical Dependency Counselor – Clinical Supervisor (LICDC-CS). Prior to coming to MCCN, he was a contract instructor for a small college in Northwest Washington state where he taught counseling and intro to drugs and alcohol in the social work and psychology departments. He also worked at a counseling center providing counseling to students and others in the community.
Originally from the Washington, D.C., area, Bumgardner is married and has four grown children. After completing military service in the Army, Bumgardner finished his degree in communication from the University of Maryland, after which he worked for 9 years in radio broadcasting. After serving as a church youth leader for a number of years, he was inspired to work with teens and adults affected by drugs and alcohol. Bumgardner then attended and completed graduate programs in counseling ministry and post-masters coursework in mental health counseling.
Bumgardner welcomes anyone who wishes to discuss any challenges they’re facing, but you must schedule an appointment by calling Donna Martinez at (614) 234-5900. The counselor’s office shares office space with the Mount Carmel Crime and Trauma Assistance Program on the fifth floor of the 777 W. State St. building. Appointment hours are Mondays 3-6 p.m. and Tuesdays and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.