In honor of the beginning of Lent, Campus Ministry will be providing the distribution of ashes and two prayer services on Ash Wednesday, February 10. All faith traditions are welcome to attend.

The distribution of ashes, where ashes are placed on the forehead as a symbol of God’s forgiveness, will be held throughout the day in the Eleanor Wilson Room.

Prayer Services will be held at 7:30 a.m. and at noon, also in the Eleanor Wilson Room.

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, in which Christians take time to come to pray together and reflect on themes of penance and the kindness of God’s love.

A member of the Muslim faith tradition connected his experience of last year’s Ash Wednesday celebration with his fasting and the repentance of Ramadan. “We need to come together in this way,” he said. “We need forgiveness and peace.” As another student wrote: “The more I struggle, the more I realize that God is with me every second of every day. I enjoy having a faith knowing that Someone—God—is with me no matter what…”

Faculty members Dr. Jill Kilanowski, Erin Daugherty and Hannah O’Handley and Campus Ministry students Lanie Francis, Nicole Dunlap and E.J. Strickler will distribute ashes with Dr. Ellen O’Shaughnessy, director of campus ministry.

Staff member Julia Farkas will lead us in song. Yuliya Fonin, a student in Campus Ministry, will provide examples of psalms with a penitential theme.

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