OSU Star House is a 24/7 drop-in center for the homeless youth ages 14 to 24 throughout Columbus to provide for their immediate needs as well as connecting them with community-based services such as medical care, therapy and help with obtaining legal identification documents.

Some startling statistics provided by Star House:

  • 34% of the total homeless population is under 24 years old.
  • At any given time 1,200-1,500 people 14 to 24 years old are homeless in Columbus.
  • 80% of homeless youth self-medicate with drugs or alcohol to deal with the trauma of abuse they face.
  • More than 50% of homeless youth were told by their parents or caregivers to leave, or their guardians knew they were leaving and didn’t care.

From March 21 through April 25 there will be posters and flyers around the College as well as collection boxes for the following donated items:

  • Office/school supplies
  • Men’s underwear NEW ONLY (boxers and boxer briefs)
  • Bike locks
  • Flash drives
  • Cleaning supplies (Lysol, multipurpose wipes, paper towels, etc.)

The clinical group that donates the most will win a Starbucks gift card for each group member! Just make sure to label the donated items with your class, clinical site and instructor.

OSU Star House is looking for long-term volunteers. Contact Heather Messer for additional information at messer.87@buckeyemail.osu.edu

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