It takes a village to prepare a professional registered nurse! MCCN gives a big “thank you” to our NCLEX coaches who helped our NCLEX pass rate reach its current 93 percent.

Left to right, front row: Vickie Warschauer, MS, RN; Erin Dougherty, MSN, RN, CPNP; Kerry Fankhauser, MSN, RN, UZIT; Ashley Graves, MSN, RN; Deidre Smith, MSN, RN; and Lori Brown.

Left to right, back row: Scott Dolan, PhD, RN; Brenda Beyer, MSN, RN; Jennifer Jenkins, BSN, MHA, RN; Brigit Duggan, RPh, MS, RN, CNE; Kathy McLain, MS, RN; Mary Yoder, MS, RN; Barb Rettig, BSN, RN, CPN; Missy Mohler, MS, RN; Jody Gill-Rocha, MS, RN; and Kathy Fernandez, PhD, RN.

Not photographed: Frieda Gill, MS, RN, CCRN; Hannah O'Handley, MSN, RN, PNP; Catie Maurer Baack, MS, RN-BC, CNS; Janet Sheppard, MSN, RN; Tricia Whitney, MSN, RN; Lisa Rossy, MSN, RN and Bev Gish, MS, FNP-BC, CNE.

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