Earlier this month, the Class of 2020 was welcomed to Mount Carmel College of Nursing in a colorful, yet dignified Convocation procession and ceremony where family, friends, faculty and staff observed at future nurses embarked on their calling to become a professional nurse.

“This is an auspicious time to enter the profession of nursing, and you will soon see how lifelong learning will enable you to reach incredible heights in your career, Christine Wynd, PhD, RN, who is president, MCCN, said in her remarks. “Not only is nursing the most highly regarded and trusted profession in our country today, but nurses are taking on increasingly higher levels of responsibility in direct patient care. And, as you continue your education – with many of you going on to earn your Master of Science or Doctor of Nursing Practice degrees – you’ll be practicing at ever higher levels of responsibility…and authority…as you positively impact outcomes for your patients,” she told the assemblage.

During Orientation, new students had the opportunity to learn more about what the next four years will hold, not only academically, but also about what extracurricular activities – everything from fitness and club sports to Student Government and mission-related opportunities – are available to enrich the student experience. New students also were greeted by members of Mount Carmel alumni who volunteered at the event and got to meet and mingle with their fellow classmates, beginning the process of establishing friendships that will last a lifetime.

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