Thanks to Jill Kilanowski, PhD, RN, APRN, CPNP, FAAN, and Tracy Riley, PhD, RN, CNS, CNE, for sharing their expertise in starting the first writing group at MCCN. The group met biweekly over the summer and discussed possible interests for presentations, publishing, writing, library access and abstract requests for conferences. The writing group is open to all who work at MCCN and include faculty and staff. The library, as always, provided great assistance.

Both leaders have published numerous manuscripts and shared their vast knowledge in clear, fun and encouraging ways. Erin Dougherty, RN, MSN, CPNP, relates, "Drs. Riley and Kilanowski have not only volunteered their time and energy to this project in support of the College of Nursing, but have offered true encouragement, kindness and mentoring to ignite the scholarly component of our nursing career." Patty Severt, MSN, RN, comments, "I have never completed a scholarly project or publication as of yet. Thanks to Jill and all the members, I have hope, encouragement, and support to progress toward this goal." According to Hannah O'Handley, MSN, RN, PNP, "This has been one of the most enjoyable and time-productive experiences at the College." The next meeting will be announced soon and new members are welcome. All the information so far may be accessed in Google docs.

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