Columbus Campus junior Theresa Adams, Lancaster Campus freshman Kara Henderly and Colleen Cipriani, director of Student Life, attended Senator Sherrod Brown's Propel Ohio Collegiate Leadership Summit 2016 on Friday, October 14, at University of Dayton. Propel Ohio is a leadership program that promotes civic engagement and inspires undergraduate students to grow into civic leaders in Ohio. Last year, over 250 Ohio students and administrators from 60 colleges and universities attended the inaugural Propel Ohio.

Propel Ohio actively engaged college students on issues that affect childhood poverty, including health and hunger, education, and housing security. Senator Brown, guest speakers, and workshop facilitators discussed how college students can tackle these challenges in their Ohio communities. At the end of the day, there was a Resource Fair where students connected with organizations that are addressing childhood poverty all across Ohio.

Current partners for Propel Ohio include the Office of U.S. Senator Sherrod Brown, Ohio Campus Compact, Corporation for National and Community Service, University of Dayton, and Fitz Center for Leadership in Community.

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