Now that the holidays have passed and the College is back in session, it’s time to think about making the most of not just the Spring Semester, but the New Year, too, and Student Life is here to help.

“At Mount Carmel College of Nursing we care for the whole student,” says Colleen Cipriani, MA, director of MCCN Student Life. “That’s why our office is here – to help students make the most of their academic learning by helping them focus on the six dimensions of wellness,” she explains.

“Because the six dimensions of wellness are interrelated, Student Life develops programs and plans campus events and activities throughout the year to help students achieve their full potential during their tenure here and for application in their future careers in nursing,” Colleen adds.

Six Dimensions of Wellness (developed by National Wellness Institute), and MCCN Student Life programs and activities to support them are:

Physicalrecognizes the need for regular activity, as well as learning about the positive aspects of good diet and nutrition, along with the negative aspects of excessive alcohol consumption and the use of drugs and tobacco. Laura Lawrence, RN, BSN, student health nurse, encourages students to drink 8 glasses of water (64 oz.) daily by inviting them to pick up a free MCCN water bottle in the Student Life Office. “Taking the steps instead of the elevator, along with a regular exercise program and choosing healthy snacks, also contribute to overall physical health,” she says. The Run Club, which starts soon is fun for everyone and includes a free t-shirt upon finishing the distance of a marathon. Play Ball starts this spring. “Wellness is my main concern, so I provide immunizations, too, but I’m also available when students are under the weather – just come see me in Room 102 in Angela Hall.”

Socialencourages contributing to improving one’s environment/community and emphasizes interdependence between others and nature. It encourages willful choices to enhance personal relationships and important friendships to build a better living space and community. Chris Bailey, resident coordinator, says Student Life helps foster relationship building among students by arranging outings, open to both commuter and residential students. “Some of our students have never been outside 270 and so they enjoy trips to corn mazes and things like that, while others have never been inside 270, so we visit shops and restaurants in the Short North, Easton and other areas,” he explains. Skiing trips to Mad River Mountain foster friendships while encouraging exercise, that’s why MCCN subsidizes most of the cost – let Chris know if you’d like to go on Friday nights. During spring break Habitat for Humanity trips are fun and Wellness Festivals are held regularly. “Of course, we also plan DVD nights and other campus-based activities, including a ‘Rat Pack’ pool-table tournament on January. Although resident students have the extra benefit of Resident Life activities, my door is always open and all students are welcome to drop in just about any time,” he adds.

Occupationalrecognizes personal satisfaction and environment in one’s life through work and holds that it’s better to choose a career consistent with one’s personal values, interests and beliefs. Student Life works closely with deans, professors and instructors in making sure students’ interests are cohesive with their chosen profession.

Intellectualrecognizes one’s creative, stimulating mental activities and the importance of expanding knowledge and sharing one’s gifts with others. Issues include problems solving, pursuing personal interests and reading as we stretch and challenge our minds. “We also foster students’ creative side to stimulate mental activities,” Colleen says. “For example, we’ve done mask-making and pottery and we also sponsor Lunch & Learns from time to time, with topics such as stress management and bystander training to address sexual assault through the SARNCO (Sexual Assault Resource of Central Ohio,” she adds.

Spiritualrecognizes our search for meaning and purpose in human existence and that it’s better to ponder the meaning of life for ourselves while we are tolerant of the beliefs of others, rather than to close our minds and become intolerant. “Students are always searching for meaning and purpose,” says Colleen, who was in pastoral ministry before joining MCCN. “We support that searching though conversations and of course we collaborate closely with Dr. Ellen O’Shaughnessy, campus minister, who is the epitome of spirituality.”

Emotionalrecognizes awareness and acceptance of one’s feelings and includes the capacity to mange feelings and behaviors in accordance with a realistic assessment of limitations, development of autonomy and ability to cope effectively with stress. “Everybody is challenged from time to time and learning coping skills can be very helpful, but sometimes more is needed and that’s why I’m here,” says William Bumgardner, LPCC-S, LICDC-CS, outpatient behavioral health clinician. A licensed professional clinical counselor and licensed independent chemical dependency counselor, William is also trained in counseling ministry and splits his time between MCCN and the Mount Carmel Health Mobile Coach. “For students involved in such an intensive nursing program, it’s important they know when ‘stressing out’ has crossed the line to becoming something they need help with. I can provide counseling to help them get back on track and can also help discern if a trip to a medical doctor for a prescription is in order,” he notes. “Whereas sadness is a normal response to grief, clinical depression is something else. Similarly, “freaking out” is an appropriate response to test taking when you’ve not studied, and is the appropriate response to resulting grades. But, clinical anxiety is something that must be treated. I invite students to not short-change themselves by not coming to see me. I can help them work things out,” he adds. William has open hours for drop ins on Mondays from 3 to 6; on Tuesdays from 9 to 4; and Fridays from 9 to 4. All consultations are confidential. For emergencies contact Donna Martinez in Safety & Security by calling 614.234.5900.

“The bottom line is that we in Student Life are here not only to help students succeed, but to help them have an enjoyable and healthy experience at MCCN, too,” Colleen says. Please contact us at:

Colleen Cipriani, MA
director, Student Life

Laura Lawrence, RN, BSN
student health nurse

Chris Bailey
resident coordinator

William Bumgardner, LPCC-S, LICDC-CS
outpatient behavioral health clinician

(for emergencies, Donna Martinez, Safety & Security can help student reach William by calling 614.234.5900)

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