As part of our ongoing series of student profiles, this month we feature student, Fadumo Jama-Aden.
Name: Fadumo Jama-Aden
Nickname: Fatima
Hometown: Memphis, Tennessee
I can’t live without: My family and friends
If I could spend a day with anyone it would be: Barack H. Obama
If I could travel anywhere: I would take an 80-day trip around the world
When I have down time: I love to clean
My favorite movie: Anything but sci-fi movies
Quote: “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I want to be a nurse because: Just like in the quote I love helping others in the time where they are most vulnerable and they need absolute care and compassion.
After I graduate: I want to become a trauma nurse, get my master’s in nursing and criminal justice, and build hospitals in developing nations.
One thing you may not know about me: I literally fear cats and dogs, mostly cats. Like my friends say, I am “PETrified.”