Each year since its inception, MCCN director of Student Life, Colleen Cipriani, MA, asks for volunteers for FamJam, a family-oriented event co-presented by Franklin County Children’s Services and the Mayor of Columbus. FamJam is a free family enrichment festival held every summer and serves approximately 3,000 people in Franklin County. Thank you to the following students who volunteered their time on Saturday, August 5:
- Tori Hedges
- Jessica Hutchinson
- Cari Allen
- Fadumo Jama-Aden
- Trisha Schemine
- Jillian Reed
- Claudia Pierce
- Tara Thomas
- Tracy Shoemaker
- Christian Jacobs
- Aireanna Adelsberger
- Macayla Nance
- Stacy Asiedu
- Bailey Grove
- Hadley Greg
- Cayla Maddy
- Taryn Carr
- Britney Oyer
- Serena Kotary
- Makayla Sollars