Ann Marie T. Brooks

By Ann Marie T. Brooks, PhD, MBA RN, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,

“I think one’s feelings waste themselves in words; they ought all to be distilled into actions which bring results.”

– Florence Nightingale

As part of our journey to transformation I found this really interesting quote from the founder of our profession, and I wanted to share it with you because it speaks to continual growth and transformation. This also says to me that, while the College is in a period of transition, we cannot stand still, but must move ever forward and keep our focus on coming together so that the voices of our Board of Trustees, faculty, staff and students are all heard and join with a unified vision.

We should all be proud that the College has been on a trajectory of growth for more than two decades – adding new programs, introducing new technologies and welcoming increasing numbers of students in both the undergraduate and graduate programs. Yes, we are in an interim period, but together we will continue to find ways to transform the already stellar level of excellence in nursing education the College has become known for – exploring new opportunities as we prepare for the upcoming physical transformation of our campus in the coming months. It’s certainly a very exciting time for us! Therefore, I want to share with you where we are in our journey to transformation and what’s on tap over the next several weeks:

  • To help us clarify our vision I am bringing in consultants who I’ve worked with in the past and whom I highly respect. They will help us take a closer look at where we are right now. On September 27 and 28, two nationally recognized nursing education leaders from The Catholic University of America’s School of Nursing – Patricia McMullen, PhD, JD, CRNP, FAANP, and Jan Agazio, PhD, CRNP, RN, FAANP, FAAN – will help provide clarity as we look at our curriculum, scholarly works and structure.
  • And, I will begin to call on faculty, staff and students and ask your participation in developing – in collaboration with our key stakeholder groups, including a Board of Trustees, health system leaders and community partners – a comprehensive strategic plan to guide us into a bright future.

To paraphrase Nightingale: We will not waste this transition time in waiting, but will take action to see transformative results. And, as we take a measure of where the College stands, we will set our sights on where it needs to go next. Because you – our faculty, staff and students – are always the most important element, please know that you will be called upon to share your opinion of where we can do better, your insights as to what students of the next decade will want to have, and your evaluation of what you’re most happy about and would like to see remain unchanged. Thank you in advance for being part of the profound and exciting things to come.

Ann Marie T. Brooks, PhD, MBA RN, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP
Interim President/Dean

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