Ann Marie T. Brooks

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,

We have been experiencing a whirlwind of exciting experiences at the College! There is so much news happening as this new academic year continues to unfold:

  • At the Scholarship Dinner on September 11, I had the extreme pleasure of meeting and talking with Regina Sallee Williams, PhD, RN, who is a member of the Class of 1952. Hearing Dr. Williams’ story firsthand of how she persevered to become a professional nurse in the face of incredible obstacles made me so proud that MCCN was the first school of nursing in Columbus to admit African Americans students, enabling us to be an important part of Dr. Williams’ story.
  • On September 15, Ann Waterman, PhD, agreed to serve as interim academic dean to provide leadership and support for the undergraduate and graduate programs. She’ll be focusing on faculty development and student engagement. I look forward to working with all of you as together we build on our rich legacy of providing outstanding nursing education.
  • Meeting with students is always a pleasure, but participating last month in the two forums on the Columbus campus – Navigating your Senior Year and Navigating your Freshman Year – was so refreshing to see the determination and maturity of the seniors and the eagerness and bravery of the freshmen! Don’t forget, students, my door is always open – I really enjoy talking with you and look forward to continuing conversations. Up next, sessions with our students at the Lancaster campus. Dates and times forthcoming.
  • Speaking of conversations, the two nationally recognized nursing education leaders from The Catholic University of America’s School of Nursing who came to visit the last week of September were so impressed with our faculty, staff and the depth of focus on students. I am looking forward to hearing a detailed assessment and recommendations going forward from Patricia McMullen, PhD, JD, CRNP, FAANP, and Jan Agazio, PhD, CRNP, RN, FAANP, FAAN, as they provide clarity regarding our curriculum, scholarly works and structure to help us as we work together to create a comprehensive strategic plan for moving ever forward.
  • At the Excellence in Nursing celebration on September 26, I was delighted to be among and help celebrate the more than 300 Mount Carmel nurses who were recognized for excellence in nursing, but most of all I was honored to present the award to nine members of our faculty and staff who were recognized for excellence in nursing education. Congratulations to MCCN faculty and staff who were recognized at the event.

Now, as we (finally) welcome fall weather, we bid safe travels to sophomores Megan Cleveland and Katherine Karper; juniors Emily Coonfare, Jennifer Dully, Abbey Santa Emma, and Brittany Stevens; and seniors Kelly Schwendenman and Morgan Willard, who will soon embark on the mission trip to Costa Rica during our fall break. Student health nurse, Laura Lawrence, BSN, RN, and instructor Meredith Douds, BSN, RN, will accompany them. We wish all joy in the experience and ask that they be a blessing to the people of San Jose, Costa Rica. We’ll look forward to reading a report about their adventures in the next issue of the Lamp.

Warmest regards,
Ann Marie T. Brooks, PhD, MBA RN, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP

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