Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,
If you’re like me, you are enjoying the long-awaited nip of fall in the air and great weather to enjoy outdoor sports! I find it energizing, sparking excitement about all the activity here at the College and the coming time of Thanksgiving.
I want you to know how much I enjoyed the weekend of October 25, where I was honored to meet and be among alumni of Mount Carmel at their annual Homecoming and Annual Meeting. I’m very impressed with the accomplishments of our alumni, including their attainment of higher education and national recognition and how they have cared for – with many still caring for – patients in all settings. The Student Ambassadors that helped out throughout the day loved listening to the stories and were especially impressed with the energy of the Class of 1957! I hope that one day our present students will also join the Alumni Association, which will help you stay connected to your classmates and to the College for years to come. Thanks for making the Inaugural reception a success and showing your support for alumni in a special way!
Speaking of giving thanks, I hope to see many of you at the Interfaith Prayer Service on November 13, which you read about above. We are grateful for Dr. O’Shaughnessy’s planning, the students who will participate, and clergy persons of other faiths who will join us in this important endeavor.
And, I’ll be joining you in bringing something to put under the Avondale Christmas Tree for the children at our Adopt-a-School family, Avondale Elementary. I understand that this Annual Gift Giving program has been a highlight of the season for students, faculty and staff alike. Watch for the tree to pop up in the student lounge lobby soon.
I would also like to extend my kudos to our faculty and staff who have recently received awards and completed projects. Please visit the Achievements section of The Carmel Rapper to peruse their initiatives and accomplishments.
I’m excited to report that the national search for your next president is moving ahead. Last week we were pleased to learn that the nationally recognized search firm, FaithSearch Partners, has been engaged to ensure that whoever steps into this most important leadership role will not only be well qualified with deep experience, but also will bring the level of passion and caring that the College – and you – deserves. Rest assured that until that individual is found and here, I will remain in the role – with my door and my mind open to you.
We recently received the report from the two nationally recognized nursing education leaders from The Catholic University of America’s School of Nursing who visited in September. Patricia McMullen, PhD, JD, CRNP, FAANP, and Jan Agazio, PhD, CRNP, RN, FAANP, FAAN. In the next few weeks we will share highlights from the report and the action plan that will be used to continue to improve our curriculum, scholarship and processes to ensure that our focus on the Student experience is the best it can be.
Also in November, along with the start of feasibility and financial forecasting studies, is the initiation of the MCCN strategic planning process. We have contracted with Academic Medical Centers (AMC) to provide support for this initiative to help develop a roadmap for the future. The launch of the process will start on November 15 and will continue through the spring with an April goal for completion. Feedback from faculty, staff and students will be part of the process so stay tuned and thanks ahead of time for your commitment to MCCN.
And, I’m delighted to acknowledge that the College, which has been on a trajectory of growth for more than two decades has an enrollment of close to 1,100 students in all programs, helping Mount Carmel maintain its No. 1 ranking among private BSN programs in Ohio.
Finally, let’s all stay focused as this holiday season approaches – enjoy Thanksgiving dinner with your families and friends later this month and return rested, renewed and re-energized to finish the semester strong!
Ann Marie T. Brooks, PhD, RN, MBA, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP