Rho Omicron of Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) Honor Society of Nursing will hold its annual New Member Induction Ceremony on Thursday, November 9, in the Medical Staff Building at 5:30 p.m. All are invited to attend. STTI is recognized as a national nursing society for nurses to continue their leadership, scholarship, and service once they are graduated from college. STTI recognizes the value of research, scholarship and excellence in nursing practice and is committed to nursing excellence and professional development. STTI’s motto, Improving World Health Through Knowledge, still holds true today.

Rho Omicron will be collecting new gift baskets for the silent auction at the ceremony. Proceeds from the silent auction will benefit student scholarships. Please give baskets to any of the following board members: Frieda Gill, MS, RN, CCRN; Therese Snively, PhD, RN; Erin Dougherty, MSN, RN, CPNP; Scott Dolan, PhD, RN; Ann Waterman, PhD, RN; Shirley Cooley, PhD, RN, CNE, C-EFM; Jody Gill-Rocha, MS, RN; Bonnie Moses, MS, RN; or Kerry Fankhauser, MSN, RN, UZIT.

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