Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,
I trust that everyone’s Thanksgiving was delicious and family-filled, and that you are now preparing to successfully complete final exams and enjoy a delightful holiday break. Mount Carmel College of Nursing has already received a few early “gifts” I’d like to share with you now:
- The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) has granted three-year accreditation to the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program and to the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) post-master’s certificate programs. CCNE is the national, autonomous accrediting agency officially recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education to ensure the quality and integrity of nursing education programs. Congratulations to Jill Kilanowski, PhD, RN, APRN, CPNP, FAAN, associate dean for the Graduate Program, and to other members of the faculty and staff who assisted during CCNE’s site visit in April.
- An important first step has been completed toward development of MCCN’s comprehensive strategic plan: I want to thank members of the Board of Trustees, faculty and staff, as well as students, alumni and donors who participated in an interview with consultants. This essential fact-gathering step in the process, conducted by AMC Strategies, LLC, will provide direction in planning for the future. An online survey will be developed in early January summarizing their findings and asking for feedback from the MCCN family.
- Finally we are all grateful for the annual MCCN Thanksgiving Interfaith Prayer Service sponsored by Campus Ministry and for the generous outpouring of gifts for children at our Adopt-a-School, Avondale Elementary.
And now, as final exams approach next week, I wish you all good health and focused minds as you approach the end of the semester and engage in pre-holiday parties and gatherings. Finally, for our Muslim friends, I hope your Mawlid al-Nabi was good; for our Jewish friends, I wish you a Happy Hanukkah; and to my fellow Christians a Merry Christmas. To everyone: Have a Happy New Year and a great start to the Spring Semester, which begins January 2!
Ann Marie T. Brooks, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP