Jill Beavers-Kirby

As part of our ongoing series of faculty and staff profiles, this month we feature Jill Beavers-Kirby, DNP, ACNP-BC, associate professor and coordinator of NP programs.

Name: Jill Beavers-Kirby.

Nickname: JBK.

Hometown: Union, Ohio.

Alma Mater: THE Ohio State University.

I can’t live without: Scripture. I read it every morning to start my day.

If I could spend the day with one person it would be: Maya Angelou because I admire and respect her philosophy on life.

If I could travel anywhere, I would go to: The Galapagos Islands to experience the natural scenery.

When I have down time, I: Travel. My most recent trip was to Spain.

My favorite movie is: Legally Blonde.

The quote I tend to live by is: “Choose a job you love and you’ll never work a day in your life.” ~Confucius

I am a nurse educator because: I love seeing the “lightbulb” moment on a student’s face.

The best advice I could give to incoming freshmen is: Life is a teaching moment. Remember to learn as you go along.

One thing you may not know about me is: I used to be a firefighter.

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