O’Livia Artis

As part of our ongoing series of faculty and staff profiles, this month we feature senior student, O’Livia Artis.

Name: O’Livia Artis.

Nickname: Liv.

Hometown: Pickerington, OH.

I can’t live without: Makeup and Diet Pepsi.

If I could spend the day with one person it would be: Jennifer Lopez- I’ve loved her since I was little.

If I could travel anywhere, I would go to: Bora Bora or Jamaica.

When I have down time, I: Watch movies with my siblings or play with makeup!

My favorite movie is: Anything scary!

The quote I tend to live by is: “Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day.” ~Alice Morse Earle

I want to be a nurse because: Helping people is my passion.

After I graduate I want to: Be the best nurse that I can be.

One thing you may not know about me is: I was recently diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis and it has been hard but I am determined to graduate!

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