The Sexual Assault Response Network of Central Ohio (SARNCO) of OhioHealth is the sexual violence intervention and prevention program serving Columbus and Franklin County. SARNCO is looking for people who want to make a difference, excel at listening to the needs of others, and care about ending sexual and relationship violence in our community.

SARNCO Volunteer Advocate Opportunities:

  • Hospital Advocate: Provides face-to-face emotional support, options and information to survivors while they are receiving care in local hospital emergency departments.
  • Hospital Advocate for Survivors who are Deaf: Through collaboration with Deaf World Against Violence Everywhere (DWAVE), provides hospital advocacy to survivors who are deaf.
  • Helpline Advocate: Answers SARNCO’s 24-Hour Rape Helpline to provide comfort, support and options over the phone to those who have been sexually assaulted and their friends or family members.
  • Speakers’ Bureau Preventionist: Gives educational presentations to students and community groups on vitally important sexual and relationship violence prevention.

SARNCO advocates also participate in community outreach and public awareness events to distribute sexual assault intervention and prevention materials. They are recruiting volunteers and accepting applications for our next volunteer training session to be held on January 13, January 20, January 27, February 3 and February 10 from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Interviews are being held now through January 9, 2018, and are filling up quickly, so contact SARNCO soon to get started.

Applications can be found at Interested applicants can complete the forms and return them to SARNCO via email to or via fax at 614.566.6846. Please email or call 614.566.4414 with questions.

If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, call the SARNCO 24-Hour Rape Helpline at 614.267.7020. Or, call toll free via RAINN at 1.800.656.HOPE.

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