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The holiday season is a wonderful time to give and to give back, and here at MCCN, we have had several opportunities to do so and there are more opportunities in store!

Avondale Blanket Project: Thanks to the Mount Carmel Foundation for funding the purchase of fleece, MCCN faculty, staff and students, donated their time for three Fridays at Avondale Elementary School. Faculty, staff and students worked with the students from Kindergarten to 5th grade to cut and tie the fleece to make blankets for each of the students at Avondale to take home.

Avondale Tree: For more than 20 years, MCCN has adorned a tree in the Marian Hall Lobby filled with gift wishes for each student at Avondale Elementary School. As in years past, MCCN faculty, staff and students purchased the gifts for one or more children to receive for Christmas and returned to the tree.

The Student Nurses Association of Mount Carmel-Lancaster held its annual food drive, benefitting St. Vincent de Paul Society in Lancaster, Ohio. Students at the MCCN-Lancaster campus donated three large boxes of non-perishable food items, laundry soap and dishwashing liquid.

Donations for the Mount Carmel Outreach Street Medicine Program: Again, at this year’s Interfaith Thanksgiving Prayer Service, donations of warm clothing, tents and batteries were gathered to be donated to the homeless and distributed by the Mount Carmel Outreach Street Medicine Program.

Mission Services Fall Food Drive: Faculty, staff and students joined colleagues from all over Mount Carmel Health System to donate non-perishable food items for the Missions Services Fall Food Drive.

MCCN is off to a great start in supporting its Core Value of Social Responsibility. A few more upcoming opportunities:

Avondale Elementary School Gift Wrapping and Delivery: The wrapping party will take place in the Rec Room on Monday, December 4 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Tuesday, December 5 from 9 a.m. until the gifts are all wrapped – stop by to help when you can. Then, join the MCCN elves to help deliver the gifts to the Avondale students on Friday, December 15. It’s truly a joy to see the faces of the students as they unwrap their gifts!

SNAM-Lancaster Book Drive: The Student Nurses Association of Mount Carmel -Lancaster is hosting a book drive for Fairfield Medical Center. New books, coloring books, puzzles, etc. are needed. Please bring donations to the MCCN Corner by Friday, December 8.

MCCN-Lancaster Adopt-a-Family: The MCCN Lancaster campus will accept donations for Salvation Army Day Care Adopt-a-Family now through Friday, December 15, in the MCCN Corner.

Bethlehem on Broadway: Campus Ministry invites students, faculty and staff to celebrate the Christmas spirit at Bethlehem on Broadway, at Broad Street United Methodist Church (501 East Broad Street) on Saturday, December 16 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sign up for a three-hour time slot or stay all day. Join students from Columbus State and Columbus College of Art and Design and try your talent for ornament making, face painting, Christmas caroling, jewelry making, meeting and greeting families, handing out Christmas bells, and distributing 1,200 food boxes to families in need. Contact Dr. Ellen O’Shaughnessy, director of Campus Ministry at eoshaughnessy@mccn.edu or 614.582.7790 to reserve your spot today!

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