Dear Faculty, Staff and Students,
I hope that your holidays were fun and relaxing, and I want to welcome each of you back to Mount Carmel College of Nursing, with the hope that you are as eager as I am to begin this fresh, new year of 2018! I’ll begin by filling you in on our upcoming projects with our campus. I’ll also talk about future events and giving kudos on engagement with one another, as well as with our community.
Initiatives for our bright future:
- Mount Carmel Health is committed to becoming a high-reliability organization (HRO) – consistently delivering quality care and customer service to all who engage our organization. Through a new initiative, ZeroHarm, which is a science-based approach that hardwires reliable behaviors and principles into our culture, we will reach this ambitious goal. Across the system, colleagues have been trained to train others in the journey that includes talking about safety events, asking questions and having honest conversations as we have each other’s backs. At the College, Dr. Todd Everett and I have taken the training and will soon share vital components with you. High-reliability is about putting systems in place that make us exceptionally consistent; it’s also building a reliable culture that is mindful about everything we do.
- The College is engaged in the ongoing development of a Strategic Plan to enhance the outcomes and preparedness of our graduates. We’re partnering with AMC Strategies, Strategic Consultants to Academic Medical Centers, to accomplish this important plan for the future. A Steering Committee (SC) with MCCN faculty and staff, MCHS leadership, and MCCN Board of Trustee members has been formed to construct a sound mechanism to ensure success. The first SC meeting was held Nov. 15, 2017 and nearly 40 individual and group interviews were conducted from Nov. 15—17, 2017. The SC has been reviewing data and developing an online survey, which will be launched early in January. On Feb. 13 the SC will meet to review environmental assessment, interviews and on-line survey results. Additional SC meetings are scheduled for – March 13, April 17, and May 22, with the intention to approve the new Strategic Plan approved by end of this academic year.
- Mount Carmel Health System plans to transform the Franklinton campus, which will positively impact the College, as well as the community. Planning, which began with a Community Engagement Process in January 2016, continues apace so that things can move quickly once inpatient beds at Mount Carmel West are transferred to Mount Carmel Grove City in November 2018. Land Planning will be carefully orchestrated to ensure undisrupted nursing education at the College and undisrupted outpatient services – including redevelopment of the Emergency Department services at the Green Street facility – on the Franklinton campus, which will serve as an anchor for holistic community growth, a hub for vibrant partnerships and connections and a catalyst for healthy living culture. Later, I’ll share more with you about the positive impact on the College, including expansion and enhancements.
Upcoming Events:
- In less than a week, sophomores will receive their pins, signifying their transition from academic to clinical studies. During the 2018 Sophomore Pinning Ceremony on Sunday, January 7, nearly 140 students – from both campuses – will take this significant step in the journey to the nursing profession.
- Excitement is building for the Mount Carmel Foundation annual gala, Champagne & Diamonds, on February 17, 2018. This year, proceeds from the gala, which brings together physicians, corporate partners and community leaders, will benefit the transformation and expansion of the College of Nursing and the Franklinton campus. Specifically, funds will transform the College’s anatomy and chemistry laboratories to meet the demands of healthcare in an ever-changing educational environment – this is the first step in the transformation plans I noted above. In addition, funds will support expansion of the Mount Carmel Outreach program and the vonZychlin Healthy Living Center to continue and enhance impact in providing addiction, education, wellness, social and support services to strengthen health and wellness outcomes for members of the Franklinton community. Tickets may be purchased for $350 per person by contacting Alyssa Fry, senior development officer at 614.234.4760 or by visiting MountCarmelFoundation.org.
- Preparations for the upcoming Ohio Board of Nursing site visit are nearing completion. The visit is scheduled for February 22 and 23. Our efforts for “continual readiness” are allowing us to focus on making sure everything is “well-shined and on time.”
Kudos on engagement with one another and with our community:
- It is indeed gratifying – and makes me very proud of all of you – to see how students, faculty and staff come together to celebrate one another and to make a difference in our world. The Faculty Christmas party was so much fun and I truly enjoyed spending the relaxed time – and enjoying delicious goodies – with everyone. Even more so, watching our students, faculty and staff prepare to make a difference in our world through events ranging from the Christmas party for children at Avondale Elementary to Bethlehem on Broad Street is wonderful. You can read more about how our students are Living the Mission in the current issue of the Lamp, as well as this issue the Carmel Rapper, including how you can get involved in upcoming mission opportunities. Thank you for all you do!
Again, welcome back! I am wishing you all the best for each of you in this new year!
Ann Marie T. Brooks, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP