This is the title of an article in the Winter 2018 issue of “the Lamp” that details the recent mission trip to Costa Rica, as well as missions to Washington, DC, and locally here in Columbus and Franklinton. “Living the Mission,” which you can read here, is also a testament to what our students – with the help and guidance of faculty and staff – do every day. Here’s what’s happened since the article was published and what you can do to become involved in upcoming mission opportunities:

Bethlehem on Broad Street a Great Success!

On Saturday, December 16, MCCN students Kemi Adegoke and Aaron Peren joined the Downtowners Campus Ministry students from Columbus State and Columbus College of Art and Design in volunteering their time by offering face painting and ornament making for the children of the city.

“Bethlehem on Broad Street,” held at Broad Street United Methodist Church, helped gather and prepare hundreds of food boxes that were distributed to families in need. The day was a special celebration for families and included caroling and handing out gifts like Christmas bells, cookies and hot chocolate. Families also got the opportunity to take their picture with Santa. The sharing of giving by the students of the downtown colleges exemplified the mystery of the trust and faith in the story of Bethlehem. Campus Ministry students ended the day with a circle of prayer for each other, for peace for the world and for the needs of the people in the city.

Campus Ministry Chicago Retreat

Campus Ministry invites all students to take time to retreat just north of Chicago from Friday, February 16 through Sunday, February 18. Students will have a unique opportunity to develop conversational and relational skills led by Fierce Conversations, a national leadership training that helps participants develop conversational skills that facilitate a more purposeful, faith-filled and authentic life.

The charge for students is only $25 each, because a grant to the Downtowners Campus Ministry will cover $100 of the $125 per person cost for up to 12 students. Van transportation will be provided for seven participants. You may opt to drive yourself, if able. Sign up by Friday, January 19, with the $25 registration, which also covers food and lodging. Contact Dr. Ellen O’Shaughnessy at 614.582.7790 or

Campus Ministry Mission Trip to Washington, DC

All are welcome to join Campus Ministry for an exciting and meaningful Mission Trip to Washington, D.C., on Monday, May 7 through Saturday, May 12, 2018, where we wil serve the homeless, residentially deprived and underpaid workers through Our Daily Bread and the Gales Mission.

Seminars will be taught about:

  • Challenges of immigration
  • Oppression of women, men and children through sex and labor trafficking
  • Struggles of persons living with addiction and mental health issues.
  • Problems caused by the lack rehabilitation for those imprisoned
  • Efforts of undocumented workers trying to become citizens.

Participants will also gain information on other issues of social justice and present to our Ohio senators and representatives about the need for Congress to hear the urgency that such issues pose to our nation. Participants are invited to bring the spirit of their religious traditions with them – Gospel of Luke, the Psalms, or the Quran and they will visit Our Lady of Mount Carmel at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. They will also have a great time seeing the sights of D.C and riding the Metro!

The cost for the Mission Trip is $350 per person, which includes a flight with Southwest and lodging at Harrington Hotel. A deposit of $50 is due Monday, February 19, with the remainder of $300 due Monday, March 12. Contact Dr. Ellen O’Shaughnessy at 614.582.7790 or at with any questions or to reserve your spot.

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