MCCN recently received a nice surprise in the mail – thank you letters from students at Avondale Elementary School! In December, MCCN faculty, staff and students delivered Christmas gifts to the students as part of our annual tradition. Here are a few sweet (and uncorrected) excerpts from the letters:

“Thank you for the stuffed bear. She will bearly fit on my bed. Her name is carmel apple.”

“Thank you for the Baby Alive. I like it because she is so beautiful and I never had a Baby Alive like her.”

“Thank you for bringing Santa to see us. Thank you for letting us take pictures with him.”

“I thank you for my play-doh and my Barbie Doll. I will play with it every day! I will tell my Mom to rap it up again till Christmas.”

“Thank you for my Barbie doll. I love it so much. Now my doll at home has a friend.”

“Thank you for the color you mood CRYSTAL Jewelry maker set and the play-doh set that is what I call owl-some.”

“I love the gift. My gift was my life doll. I have a botol for her. Her hair is soft. My other dolls are going to love her.”

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