Volunteer at the annual Kappa Kidney Camp! The Camp is for children ages 8 to 18 with renal disease, on dialysis, and who are pre and post-transplant. Volunteer tasks range from helping take vital signs, weights, scribes for intake, observe assessments, assist at med pass time by getting beverages ready, accompany to the dialysis unit on Tuesday and Thursday to observe dialysis treatments with the campers who are on dialysis, etc. Learn a great deal about renal disease physiology, and psych-social issues the campers endure with their diagnoses. The Camp will take place July 22 to 27 at Recreation Unlimited in Delaware, Ohio. If you are interested, please contact Mount Carmel alumna, Melissa Stacy-Cull (’05 and ’12), MS, RN, at melissa.stacy@oaohio.com.

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