Congratulations to the recipients of the End of Year Awards. They are as follows, and left to right:

  • Certificate of Excellence: Dale Hilty, PhD, assistant professor
  • MCCN Image Award: Pat McKnight, MS, RDN, LD, FAND, assistant professor
  • I've got your back award: Jami Nininger, MS, RN, assistant dean of Distance Education
  • Extra Mile Award: Karen Greene, BS, director of Records and Registration
  • Energizer Bunny Award: Miriam Abbott, MA, assistant professor
  • Spirit Award: Margaret Stinner, MS, RN, assistant professor
  • Make it Happen Award: Ann Waterman, PhD, RN, interim academic dean
  • Student Experience Award: Kim Loscko, DVM, associate professor (not pictured)
  • Also pictured: Ann Marie T. Brooks, PhD, MBA, RN, FAAN, FACHE, FNAP, interim President

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