Mount Carmel College of Nursing policy states that any pre-licensure student registered in a nursing course with a laboratory or clinical component is required to have current CPR certification. RN-BSN and Master's students must have CPR certification that is in effect throughout any semester in which they are enrolled, regardless of the specific course. CPR certification must be in effect throughout the official start/end dates of the specific course (16-week semester, 8-week term or SDAP course); the expiration date cannot occur before the official end date of the course.

Bring your CPR certification card (and a photocopy) to the MCCN Records and Registration Office (Marian Hall, Rm 201) prior to the first day of the course. This is required upon initial certification and after each re-certification in order to verify that you have met the requirement. The responsibility to keep CPR certification current rests solely with the student. Students who fail to meet this requirement will be administratively withdrawn from the course. There is no grace period.

The specific certification required is provided exclusively through either of the following providers:

  • American Heart Association (BLS for Health Care Providers)
    For more information about registering for a CPR class:
  • American Red Cross (BLS for Health Care Providers)
    For more information about registering for a CPR class:

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