Congrats to the 2018 Mount Carmel Excellence in Nursing awardees from MCCN who were recognized at a special ceremony held September 26, at Pinnacle Golf Course in Grove City. The Excellence in Nursing Awards event, sponsored annually by Mount Carmel College of Nursing and Mount Carmel Patient Care Services, is now in its 14th year. Mount Carmel Health System recognized outstanding nurse educators, nursing education advocates, nurses, nurse leaders and advanced practice nurses who exemplify devotion to patients, dedication to the nursing profession and diligence in providing outstanding, evidence-based care.

More than 300 people attended the event which included Mount Carmel Health awardees, colleagues, families and friends. Our MCCN awardees, listed below, were also highlighted in a recognition ad featured in the Columbus Dispatch Thursday, September 27:

  • Miriam Abbott, MA
  • Cora Arledge, MS, BEd, RN
  • Karen Greene, BS
  • Mary Gregg, MS, RN, CNM
  • Noah Grose, MSN, ACNP-BC
  • Dale Hilty, PhD
  • Meghan Hixenbaugh, MS, RN, CPN, CPNP
  • Gale Kolarik
  • Jami Nininger, MSN, RN
  • Susan Schultz, MSN, RN

The Nurse Educator of the Year award for the College was awarded to Jami Nininger, MSN, RN.

Check out the evening’s video presentation.

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