Mount Carmel College of Nursing (MCCN) officially launched the presidency of new President and Dean Christine Wynd, PhD, RN, with a day’s worth of Inauguration activities on Friday, October 24. Wynd is just the second president in the College’s history.

In keeping with Mount Carmel’s Catholic heritage, the day began with an Inaugural Mass at 9:30 a.m. at St. Joseph Cathedral in downtown Columbus. The mass served to bless and spiritually celebrate Wynd’s presidency at MCCN and was officiated by the Most Reverend Frederick F. Campbell, DD, PhD, Bishop of the Diocese of Columbus.

Festivities continued with the Inauguration and Presidential Installation Ceremony at the Center of Science and Industry in the afternoon. An inauguration ceremony is a tradition held by colleges and universities to officially initiate a president’s new term. In addition to Bishop Campbell, Columbus Mayor Michael B. Coleman, MCCN Board Chair Matt Mazza, Mount Carmel West President and COO Sean McKibben and Mount Carmel Senior Vice President of System Mission Sister Barbara Hahl, inauguration and installation ceremony participants included representatives of MCCN faculty and staff, Mount Carmel alumni and MCCN students.. After the ceremony, attendees enjoyed a dessert reception.

“We are pleased to officially install and launch Dr. Wynd’s presidency, heralding a new beginning while continuing the College’s reputation for excellence in nursing education and advancing growth and transformation to meet the future needs of health care,” said Matt Mazza, Chair, MCCN Board of Trustees.

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