Welcome, future nurse!

Starting your journey as a nursing student at Mount Carmel College of Nursing (MCCN) is an exciting time and we are here to make that process seamless and enjoyable.

There will be a few events this summer you will need to attend in order to prepare yourself for your first year at MCCN.

Please add the following programs to your calendar, as they are mandatory for all new incoming students to both Columbus and Fairfield Medical Center campuses:

Registration and Information Sessions at MCCN (scheduled throughout the summer, more information to come)

SmartStart Orientation and Convocation

Do you want to get a Jump Start on your academic success here at MCCN? Think about attending one of the Jump Start Boot Camp sessions.

Why Choose Us


scholarship money awarded from the Mount Carmel Foundation in 2023


years of educating nurses


2023 NCLEX-RN pass rate